Saturday, April 11, 2009

What flowers grow well on the northside of a house?

I live in Oregon and just moved into a new house. I%26#039;m planning on planting some flowers in the yard but most of my options are for the north side of the house. Is anyone an expert on which flowers and ground cover will do well without receiving direct sunlight?

Thank you.

What flowers grow well on the northside of a house?
I had great results with

hosta, caladiums , wax leaf begonias, crystal palace lobelia

on the north side of my house

it stopped traffic

also try

azaleas, rhododendrons, taxus, boxwood ..for shrubs in that location.
Reply:Hostas are great for shady areas around your house! I concur with Fluffy the Wonderdog on that point...
Reply:Not knowing which side of Oregon you are in makes it a little harder. But the plants Native to the forest usually do best in low light and lots of moisture. Like huckleberrys, Erythronium, the %26#039;trout lily%26#039; and Rhododendrons and azaleas.

Impatiens and English lawn daisies did well for me, and there is alway the annual planting of tulips and other bulbs. Hostas, solomon%26#039;s seal, ...too long a list....

The native to redwood forest plants, like Viola sempervirens, and Oxalis, make a nice space.

Avoid the periwinkle. It gets really weedy and attracts the slugs and snails you will learn to hate.
Reply:Periwinkle makes a good low sun groundcover,
Reply:Coleus does well in low sunlight areas. So do impatiens and hostas, daylilies and astilbe.
Reply:cotoniaster darwinii for grownd cover and jasmin nuderflorium for winter flower.hope it helps.
Reply:Many plants do their best with morning sun and afternoon shade. If you have areas that at least will be getting some light, even if indirect, you can still have flowering plants. Make sure you look up species AND cultivars when researching. Some cultivars will do much better without direct sun. Although you can have alot to choose from for foliage, you probably want flowering plants. There are some Hydrangea hybrids that prefer shade or indirect sun. Dave%26#039; is an excellent site for looking up Genus, species, and cultivar or hybrid. If you plant Periwinkle(Vinca Minor) you will have some flowers, but for full flowering of Vinca, you need sun. I looked it up and most Iris species will do well in partial shade as well, they have beautiful foliage when they are not blooming as well as ability to naturalize and spread.
Reply:lily of the valley

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